
Saebaram, Wind generation without wind

R.E.F. 20기 서범석 2022. 10. 1. 17:18

Saebaram, Wind generation without wind


대학생신재생에너지기자단 20기 서범석


In the 2020s, unusual climates and natural disasters such as heavy rain, heat waves, and wildfires are occurring very frequently. Experts point that climate change is caused by global warming due to greenhouse gases. Accordingly, Korea's efforts for 2050 carbon neutrality are being made socially. In order to be carbon neutral, a power source that does not use fossil fuels is required.

The company ‘Saebaram’ develops a technology that can achieve carbon neutrality early in the country and emerge as a new export of renewable energy, a “4-type combined power generation system”. The fundamental goal is to reduce the use of fossil fuels to restore a green earth and to create a sustainable earth. Wind power is a representative renewable energy generation method in Korea. Wind power generation is in the spotlight for its infinity of energy sources and high efficiency, but it has the disadvantage of low stability as it can generate power only when the wind blows. Saebaram has developed a wind power generator that can be operated only with air.


[Figure 1. Tornado induction generator]

Source: Saebaram

The wind power generator of Saebaram uses the pressure difference to rotate the blades for power generation. Power generation is possible even when the wind is not blowing, and when the wind is blowing, more electricity is produced. The power generating unit has the shape of a cone with a truncated top. An automatic shutoff tube directs air into the cone. Between the wide lower part and the narrow upper part, there is a difference in air pressure due to the difference in air density, so the principle of a tornado in which the air rises vertically was used. Inside, a spiral air guide way is installed, allowing the air to create a tornado along the spiral path. Since the blades rotate inside the generator, there is no worry about noise. It has already received performance evaluation in 2020 and applied for a patent in 2021.

[Figure 2. Shaft power to rotating speed]

Source: Saebaram

A rotating body for power generation is also being developed separately. The rotating body being developed by Saebaram allows it to rotate in both directions instead of in one direction. The rotating body is configured in multiple layers around one vertical axis. Therefore, it can generate electricity according to the direction the wind blows, so efficiency can be raised and flexible power generation is possible. The wind in one direction rotates each floor in both directions to generate electricity, increasing the power generation efficiency. Bidirectional power generation in multiple layers also has the advantage of preventing the tilting of the structure. By reducing the resistance, it is possible to generate power generation effect of 7 m/s even in a wind of 5 m/s. The theoretical efficiency of a typical wind power generation calculated according to Betz's law is about 60%, but the efficiency of a tornado wind turbine is 76.5%.

[Figure 3. Efficiency of wind generator]

Source: Saebaram

Other patents of Saebaram include whirlwind, wind power, and pumped-water multi-pole combined power generation systems. A tornado induction generator is installed on the bottom water tank that stores water, and the upper storage tank is installed above it. Water can flow between the upper and lower water tanks, so it is used for pumping power generation. The wind power generator is positioned above the upper storage tank. The electricity produced by the rotating body and the power generator is supplied to the demanding party, and the remaining electricity during the late-night hours when demand is low operates the water pump to move water to the upper storage tank so that pumped power can be generated later. 


[Figure 4.4-type combined cycle power system]

Source: Saebaram

The 4-type combined cycle power system does not require fuel, so there is no carbon emission, and there are no complaints about noise. The exterior is also eco-friendly, so it can be installed in both urban and rural areas. It can be used as a power source not only at industrial sites, but also at home and charging stations.

Saebaram always develops technology keeping in mind what the purpose of technology development is and who it is for. Saebaram CEO, Nam Jeong-ho, says that the earth's resources will be destroyed when they are completely depleted by human happiness, and that the use of fossil fuels should be stopped as soon as possible. All countries on Earth must join Net Zero to stop the accelerating global warming phenomenon. If the green earth does not stop the black earth, neither nation nor humankind can exist. With the strength of being able to install anywhere as long as there is air, it is expected to become the best export new technology product that can replace fossil fuel power sources early and suppress the rise in global temperature.